Survey Design & Analysis

Given that December is a busy time of year for students, we trepidatiously sent out our registration for the Survey & Design lunch and learn optimistically hoping to get 20-30 attendees. Instead, we immediately hit the capacity of the room at 60 students and had an additional 20 students on a waiting list after the first day of advertising! Surveys, as it turns out, are a hot topic especially with Wharton MBAs and UGRs so we were happy to co-present this topic alongside Wharton Behavioral Lab and Qualtrics. Our attendees included mostly Wharton students and a small group of Penn students and employees.

Director of Strategic Partnerships students team, Alex Milne, kicking off the Survey Design & Analysis presentation

Due to the high demand, we recorded the event for those on the waiting list:

Alex Milne, Director of Strategic Partnerships for students, kicked off the presentation with an introduction to our “University Around You” campaign to increase student tech awareness, including an unveiling of our 2018 lunch and learn sessions. He gave a special thank you to the provost office who provided lunch for the event through a “Year of Innovation Grant” and then introduced Robert Botto and Alex Bervik from Wharton Behavioral Lab to provide a live demo of Qualtrics.

Wharton Behavioral Lab Live Demo of Qualtrics

Robert introduced the Wharton Behavioral Lab and Alex, a former Qualtrics support employee and now Penn PhD student, showed students how to do the following in Qualtrics:

  • create a survey
  • explore different question types
  • use display and skip logic to target specific audiences and reduce survey size
  • manage survey flow
  • use embedded data
  • preview survey layout
  • manage the look and feel of the survey
  • customize design and messaging

Wharton Computing Conceptualizing the Student Journey in Qualtrics

Next Anna Kent and Erin Murphy showcased how Wharton Computing uses Qualtrics to conceptualize the student journey:

  • Wharton Computing has used Qualtrics since 2011 to create quick reports and provide quantiative data to capture snapshots of overall student satisfaction and deeper dives into the satisfaction of specific IT services.
  • Echoing Alex’s sentiments, they use embedded data and display logic to reduce survey size and target specific student audiences.
  • In addition to quantitative tools, Wharton Computing uses Qualtric’s tagging features and SQL databses to identify trends in qualitative data.
  • If quantitative data provides the sketch of the student journey, the qualitative data helps them fill in the details of the student technology satisfaction story.
  • In the future, they hope to implement longitudinal tools and explore integration with Tableau data visualization tools.

All About Qualtrics

Allie Jones, Academic Client Success Analyst at Qualtrics, wrapped up the discussion with the following:

  • Links to Qualtrics Support (e.g., training kits)
  • Use cases beyond surveys (e.g., event planning, journaling)
  • Favorite features (e.g., email triggers and developer hub)
  • Professional development  (e.g., certification and Experience Week)

About Strategic Partnerships Student Team: 

The University Around You series is brought to you by the Wharton Computing Strategic Partnerships Student Team. Our goal is to provide a clear communication channel between Wharton Computing and students. We focus on building partnerships by engaging with students year-round through surveys, focus groups, and ad hoc outreach. We analyze findings and then work with relevant service teams and individuals to ensure continual process improvement.  Alex Milne leads the Student Strategic Partnership team. He is a Wharton Computing veteran with a long list of accomplishments here and at his previous role at Harvard University. Erin Murphy is a long-time contributor to Wharton Computing, providing exhaustive research, analysis, and development work.