An Inside Look at Student Survey Analysis

Students, have you ever wondered what Wharton Computing does with your annual survey data? When the survey closes, we get busy! After comprehensive analysis of the quantitative data using Qualtrics and Excel, we tag every free-text comment with unique identifiers to reveal trends and uncover emerging student needs.

View a sample of our survey results displaying satisfaction with key services and analysis of what you like most and like least about Wharton Computing.

Once we complete our analysis, we share the results across Wharton Computing. Armed with this information, we deploy fixes, create taskforces, and work on improvements to the services highlighted in the survey.

Wharton Computing’s Survey Taskforce: What’s Coming Next

Some of the survey-inspired projects already underway include:

  • Deployment of contactless card readers (RFID) to increase printing reliability.
  • Increased printer monitoring and maintenance schedule.
  • Piloting Kumo as a possible replacement for “MyWhartonDrive” (Y-Drive).
  • Redesigning SPIKE and the Wharton Connect mobile application.
  • Organizing focus groups to resolve problems and discover opportunities.
  • Building technology education program including increased Whartonization sessions, lunch & learns, webinars, and contextual communication.
  • Increasing student engagement via short surveys, pop-up tech tables and direct communication.
  • Upgrading student survey analysis tools to better analyze data across years.
  • Investigating texting options for reporting technology problems.

We can’t thank you enough; because of your participation, we are able to create and maintain a productive technology environment. Our process is better because of your involvement; please feel free to reach out any time as we work to enhance your learning experience.

Join Us!

If anything in this blog inspires you or you would like to be informed about future focus groups, please send us an email ( or tweet us @whartonsupport. We’re always interested in connecting with students in the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurship.